
Mac virtual machine on windows 10
Mac virtual machine on windows 10

mac virtual machine on windows 10

To save time and simplify the process a lot, we recommend you download the latest version of macOS 10.14 “Mojave” from the following link. And this is a problem if we don’t have a Mac.

mac virtual machine on windows 10

The only way to make it work is to create it ourselves. Although many macOS ISO images circulate on the network, many are outdated, and others do not work. And to generate this ISO image we need to use macOS. And in order to install macOS in VMware we need an ISO image. This is where one of the problems begins to be able to install macOS from Windows, a vicious circle that is repeated over and over again. If we want other alternatives, we can opt for paolo-projects / unlocker or BDisp / unlocker. So we have only to trust the program and wait for it to finish modifying the files and download the necessary elements. This patch allows us to do it simply by executing the “Unlocker.exe” that we obtain by decompressing the Auto-Unlocker. All of them safe, reliable and published on GitHub. We can find several patches that allow us to do this.

mac virtual machine on windows 10

  • Download the latest versions of VMware Tools for macOS.
  • so) to be able to choose “Apple” when creating a new virtual machine.
  • Patch binaries and vmware-vmx processes to boot macOS.
  • But we are going to do it on Windows 10 (specifically the latest version of the operating system), and using VMware Workstation Pro, since we have been able to verify that it is the one that best (and easiest) makes macOS work. This process can be performed on virtually any operating system, with any hardware and with any virtual machine hypervisor. And although it is a fairly long process, following these steps we can have macOS running on Windows 10 in a few minutes. But with some patches and some special configurations it is possible to do so. VMware and VirtualBox do not give official support to install macOS for legal reasons. Therefore, we either resort to techniques such as hackintosh, or we must find other ways to do it. Apple puts many impediments to macOS (especially in the kernel and drivers) to prevent its operating system from being installed on computers that are not its own. Although we can install Windows, Linux and many other operating systems on these virtual machines, when trying to install macOS on Windows or Linux we find a lot of inconveniences.

    Mac virtual machine on windows 10