
The gold spike hotel
The gold spike hotel

Upstairs, where you might have rented a seedy hotel room for cheap ($30 a night, bathrooms at the end of the hall), you’ll find yourself in apartments shared by clean-cut youths toting laptops. Where there were floor plants and cocktail waitresses in torn white-tank-top uniforms, there are now terrariums and co-working tables. Where once there were rows of ring-a-dinging, blinged-out slot machines on the ground floor, there are now oversized cornhole games, a hopscotch setup and a human-sized Jenga game.

the gold spike hotel

If you visit the Gold Spike hotel and casino in Downtown Las Vegas, you might be in for a surprise.

the gold spike hotel

“Although it seems obvious in retrospect, probably the biggest benefit of moving to Vegas was that nobody had any friends outside of Zappos, so we were all sort of forced to hang out with each other outside the office.” - Tony Hsieh, “Delivering Happiness”

The gold spike hotel